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Primal Light residencies are part of SPECTRAL project. Being the residencies dedicated to artistic production within E.C.A. - Expanded Cinematic Art -, artists are challenged to interpret the environment as a source of primal light, time and motion.

Primal Light #3 residents are Juliana Julieta, Leonor Guerra and Miguel Tavares, developing the works Imagem Latente, Artifício I - VI and p~r~o~j~e~c~t~o~r.

As a structure of support do artistic creation, Laia co-op produces Primal Light residencies, currently under development at Laboratório da Torre.


Imagem Latente, by Juliana Julieta
Imagem Latente is built on various exercises aimed at creating moving images using film, including mourning the "lost" image of what was filmed. The work explores direct animation on film, phytograms (cafenol, mint and boldo), performative projection, the macro universe and the pictorial sensibility of painting.

Julieta is a visual artist who works in painting and experimental cinema. Began working with 16mm in 2021 at Casa do Xisto and Doc's Kingdom. In 2022, with a FLAD grant, Julieta was an artist in resiency at Mono No Aware, screening films at the Anthology Film Archives.

Artifício I - VI, by Leonor Guerra

Ingenious means or process;
Trick, ruse, disguise.
Cunning and trickery,
dissimulation, finesse and craft.
Simulation or artifact?

Hand - machine.

Texture, detail and color, as well as the ability that images have to summon and re-frame reality, stimulate attention and desire, allowing for a distinct experience of the world. From its development as a craft, to its growth as an industry, film reminds us of its technical dimension - its quality of skilled “artifice”.

Leonor Guerra studied Media Archeology and works as a film technician. She is a member of Laboratório Torre, with an interest in film labs’ collective management and pedagogy, as sites of living preservation and knowledge. 

p~r~o~j~e~c~t~o~r, by Miguel Tavares
A projector has never again emitted rays of red, green or blue, yellow, pink light...
The day before, it got jammed in a frame: hand-painted with a permanent black marker.

Miguel Tavares began by filming his friends skateboarding. He moves between the cinema room and all the spaces that host images and sounds. He is a member of Laboratório da Torre (Porto) and a teacher at Ar.Co (Lisboa).