LAIA          TORRE          PROGRAMME          SPECTRAL          ARCHIVE        CONTACTS


Laboratório da Torre, an artist-run film lab, is
born out of the desire to create a shared space for
experimentation, production and training in analogue film media
(super8, 16mm and 35mm), as well as an exhibiting and programming space.
It allows artists and filmmakers to invest in the analogue format
and to have contact with film development. 

Currently, Laboratório da Torre is based in Rua dos Mercadores, 
136 - Porto, a temporary space while the building
rehabilitation of the medieval tower that has been hosting
the lab takes place. While being of permanent use by 
the members of the lab, Laboratório da Torre opens to 
the general public on Tuesdays, from 2pm to 6pm, as well as 
during specific public events.
Laboratório da Torre is hosting the international
project Spectral, as well as a programme developed under Criatório
support for programming spaces in the city of Porto,
both developed by Laia co-op. Spectral is a collaborative programme
financed by Creative Europe, with a duration of four years, that
brings together six european analogue laboratories:
BalticAnalog Lab (LV), Crater-Lab (ES), Filmwerkplaats (NL),
Labor Berlin (DE), LAIA - TORRE(PT), Mire (FR).
Through the creation of this space and equipment, Portugal is now
part of, a network of film labs managed
by artists and filmmakers.

︎INSTAGRAM - Laboratório da Torre 


Currently the members of the lab have access to the following equipment:

2 x developing tanks 16mm/8mm(50+50 feet)
2 x 16mm projectors (EIKI SL + EIKI NT)
2 x 8mm projectors eumig 624D
2 x digital projectors (Optoma 3000lumens + mini-optoma 1000 lumens)
1 x super 8 camera
1 x 16mm camera (bolex reflex) + lenses
several reels
1 x steenbeck (editing table)
1 x contact printer Tipro
4 x drying racks (big size)
1 x dark room/ lab
1 x projection room with screen for max 50 ppl
PH meter and thermometer cell
Scale 0.01
1 x split reel
3 x rewind film arms
Animation stand ben & Howell
7 8mm/super8 camera (some to be repaired or tested)
2 speakers Tycho S.A.4-2
2 Tape Splicer
Projetor Amplion 8mm
Moviola Prinz Oxford I200
3 kodak slide projectors

the use of equipment must be schedulled through and is exclusive for members.