As residências Primal Light fazem parte do projeto SPECTRAL. Dedicadas à produção artística dentro da E. C. A. — Expanded Cinematic Art —, artistas são desafiados a interpretar o ambiente e o entrono como fonte de luz primordial, de tempo e de movimento.
Para a residência de primavera de 2024, a Cooperativa Laia convidou a artista Gaëlle Rouard, que estará no Laboratório da Torre, no Porto, a desenvolver o seu trabalho cinematográfico performativo. Esta residência acontece em dois momentos, conhecendo a sua primeira parte em Abril ‘24 e a segunda em Junho ‘ 24. Culmina numa exibição pública da obra “Beira Douro”, criada e desenvolvida na residência Primal Light.
20 Julho 2024 — 19h
Laboratório da Torre — Rua dos Mercadores, 136
Entrada gratuita // comida e bebida com contribuição
Beira Douro
“Dans l'air qui luit et dans le vent qui passe, un fleuve plus épais qu’une grasse prairie,
Un fleuve trembleur comme une flamme.
Le Douro, plein d’ombre et de feux, de silence et de râles, perd son onde au vaste sein des mers.
Où sont-ils, les flots que baise la lumière, sombrés dans les eaux noires ?
Et quelle âme revêtir sans étoiles ?”
Primal Light residencies are part of SPECTRAL project. Dedicated to artistic production within E.C.A. — Expanded Cinematic Art —, artists are challenged to interpret the environment as a source of primal light, time and motion.
For the Spring residency of 2024, Laia co-op has invited artist Gaëlle Rouard, who will be at Laboratório da Torre, in Porto, developing her performative film work. This residency happens in two moments, having its first part in April ‘24 and a second moment in June ‘24. It culminates in a public screening-performance of “Beira Douro”, a work created and developed under Primal Light residency.
20 July 2024 — 19h
Laboratório da Torre — Rua dos Mercadores, 136
Free entrance // food and drinks with contributions
Beira Douro
“In the air that shines and in the wind that passes, a river thicker than a grassy prairie,
A trembling river like a flame.
The Douro, full of shadow and fires, of silence and rales, loses its waters in the vast bosom of the seas.
Where are they, the waves embraced by light, drowned in black waters?
And what soul should one wear without stars?”
Para a residência de primavera de 2024, a Cooperativa Laia convidou a artista Gaëlle Rouard, que estará no Laboratório da Torre, no Porto, a desenvolver o seu trabalho cinematográfico performativo. Esta residência acontece em dois momentos, conhecendo a sua primeira parte em Abril ‘24 e a segunda em Junho ‘ 24. Culmina numa exibição pública da obra “Beira Douro”, criada e desenvolvida na residência Primal Light.
20 Julho 2024 — 19h
Laboratório da Torre — Rua dos Mercadores, 136
Entrada gratuita // comida e bebida com contribuição
Beira Douro
“Dans l'air qui luit et dans le vent qui passe, un fleuve plus épais qu’une grasse prairie,
Un fleuve trembleur comme une flamme.
Le Douro, plein d’ombre et de feux, de silence et de râles, perd son onde au vaste sein des mers.
Où sont-ils, les flots que baise la lumière, sombrés dans les eaux noires ?
Et quelle âme revêtir sans étoiles ?”
Primal Light residencies are part of SPECTRAL project. Dedicated to artistic production within E.C.A. — Expanded Cinematic Art —, artists are challenged to interpret the environment as a source of primal light, time and motion.
For the Spring residency of 2024, Laia co-op has invited artist Gaëlle Rouard, who will be at Laboratório da Torre, in Porto, developing her performative film work. This residency happens in two moments, having its first part in April ‘24 and a second moment in June ‘24. It culminates in a public screening-performance of “Beira Douro”, a work created and developed under Primal Light residency.
20 July 2024 — 19h
Laboratório da Torre — Rua dos Mercadores, 136
Free entrance // food and drinks with contributions
Beira Douro
“In the air that shines and in the wind that passes, a river thicker than a grassy prairie,
A trembling river like a flame.
The Douro, full of shadow and fires, of silence and rales, loses its waters in the vast bosom of the seas.
Where are they, the waves embraced by light, drowned in black waters?
And what soul should one wear without stars?”
Gaëlle Rouard é uma artista, alquimista e performer francesa. Faz filmes artesanais desde o início dos anos 90 e é membro de longa data do 102 rue d’Alembert, um espaço dedicado à criação e difusão de música e cinema experimentais. Rouard dirigiu o laboratório de cinema Atelier MTK em Grenoble durante 12 anos, até 2006. Alquimista especializada na precipitação de prata em película, desenvolveu e continua a explorar vários métodos de processamento químico de película, enquanto experimenta as possibilidades de multi-projecção ao vivo, tanto a solo como em colaboração.
Gaëlle Rouard is a french artist-filmmaker, alchemist and performance artist. She has been making handmade films since the early ‘90s and is a long time member of the ‘102 rue d’Alembert’, a venue dedicated to the creation and diffusion of experimental music and film. Rouard also ran the film lab Atelier MTK in Grenoble for 12 years until 2006. An alchemist specialising in the precipitation of silver on film, she has developed and still exploring various methods of chemical processing on film, while experimenting with the possibilities of live multi-projection in both solo and collaborative forms.
Gaëlle Rouard is a french artist-filmmaker, alchemist and performance artist. She has been making handmade films since the early ‘90s and is a long time member of the ‘102 rue d’Alembert’, a venue dedicated to the creation and diffusion of experimental music and film. Rouard also ran the film lab Atelier MTK in Grenoble for 12 years until 2006. An alchemist specialising in the precipitation of silver on film, she has developed and still exploring various methods of chemical processing on film, while experimenting with the possibilities of live multi-projection in both solo and collaborative forms.