13.04.2024 | 19h30
rua dos mercadores, 136 — porto
entrada livre // free entrance
Gaëlle Rouard, 2014, coul/nb, 16mm performance
Heat rise to the sky.
Fly face its end.
Sweep along bridges or run dry fountains.
Deaf are the gellinottes
Black mouth, dry throat
Drench the ground to the bone,
Like a beef wolf wheat down
Small valley in the rain,
Lantern on a nail.
Wolf tail end wolf
Run for 3 days only
Soon lying and hiding
Let each one to keep watch other one.
rua dos mercadores, 136 — porto
entrada livre // free entrance
Gaëlle Rouard, 2014, coul/nb, 16mm performance
Heat rise to the sky.
Fly face its end.
Sweep along bridges or run dry fountains.
Deaf are the gellinottes
Black mouth, dry throat
Drench the ground to the bone,
Like a beef wolf wheat down
Small valley in the rain,
Lantern on a nail.
Wolf tail end wolf
Run for 3 days only
Soon lying and hiding
Let each one to keep watch other one.
Gaëlle Rouard é uma artista, alquimista e performer francesa. Faz filmes artesanais desde o início dos anos 90 e é membro de longa data do 102 rue d’Alembert, um espaço dedicado à criação e difusão de música e cinema experimentais. Rouard dirigiu o laboratório de cinema Atelier MTK em Grenoble durante 12 anos, até 2006. Alquimista especializada na precipitação de prata em película, desenvolveu e continua a explorar vários métodos de processamento químico de película, enquanto experimenta as possibilidades de multi-projecção ao vivo, tanto a solo como em colaboração. Vários dos seus filmes exploram paisagens rurais com conotações míticas, são frequentemente projetados em 16mm e foram exibidos em importantes espaços de arte e festivais internacionais.
Gaëlle Rouard is a french artist-filmmaker, alchemist and performance artist. She has been making handmade films since the early ‘90s and is a long time member of the ‘102 rue d’Alembert’, a venue dedicated to the creation and diffusion of experimental music and film. Rouard also ran the film lab Atelier MTK in Grenoble for 12 years until 2006. An alchemist specialising in the precipitation of silver on film, she has developed and still exploring various methods of chemical processing on film, while experimenting with the possibilities of live multi-projection in both solo and collaborative forms. Several of her films explore rural landscapes with mythical connotations, often are projected on 16mm and have been exhibited in important art spaces and festivals worldwide.
IMG. Les Noces Rompues, Gaëlle Rouard
Gaëlle Rouard is a french artist-filmmaker, alchemist and performance artist. She has been making handmade films since the early ‘90s and is a long time member of the ‘102 rue d’Alembert’, a venue dedicated to the creation and diffusion of experimental music and film. Rouard also ran the film lab Atelier MTK in Grenoble for 12 years until 2006. An alchemist specialising in the precipitation of silver on film, she has developed and still exploring various methods of chemical processing on film, while experimenting with the possibilities of live multi-projection in both solo and collaborative forms. Several of her films explore rural landscapes with mythical connotations, often are projected on 16mm and have been exhibited in important art spaces and festivals worldwide.
IMG. Les Noces Rompues, Gaëlle Rouard