26.03.2024 | 19h
rua dos mercadores, 136 — porto
entrada livre // free entrance
sopa com contribuição // contribution for soup
O laboratório Space Cell convidou artistas Richard Touhy e Diana Barrie para o workshop Kineko, dedicado à produção de uma cópia final para a exibição, após filmagem, edição e desenho de som, de forma mais económica. Entre as muitas pessoas que participaram, esta exibição reúne 13 filmes de artista, acabados ou em processo.
Todos os filmes são exibidos em 16mm.
Space Cell lab invited artists Richard Touhy and Diana Barrie to open the Kineko workshop, dedicated to the making of a master print for the final screening after filming, editing and sound processing in a cheaper way. Out of the many people who participated, this screening brings together 13 artists’ finished or in process short films.
All films in 16mm.
Richard Touhy and Diana Barrie, South Korea, 2024, 2min 30sec, 16mm
Richard and Diana’s new film, produced while traveling from their accommodation in Seoul to Space Cell lab, for the workshop.
(Part of Sensus Communis)
Hye Jeong Cho, South Korea, 2024, 5min, 16mm
Sensus Communis : The circumstances of artists associated with their studios are very diverse. In an era where it is difficult to occupy even one square foot of residential space due to economic and social conditions, artists who own or rent studios to produce art have continued to walk a tightrope between thinking and reality.
ZEN FOR 100ft
Jung Jun, South Korea, 2024, 2min 28sec, 16mm
To prevent meaninglessness from becoming imageless, the image obtained from the retina after passing through the pupil and lens must pass through the blind spot before going to the optic nerve. A dark room is a blind spot in an image.
Sujin Lee, South Korea, 2024, 1min 34sec, 16mm
A draft, an exercise, or the first segment of a long-term project, tracing my nephew’s evolving voice as he grows older. He talks about the time he built a snowman named Snow Ice Monster, which was later broken down and rebuilt by other children. He listens to a recording of his voice and remarks that he sounds like someone named Minjung, who does not exist in real life.
Suhyun Jeon, South Korea, 2024, 2min 04sec, 16mm
This film captures the experiences of my grandfather during COVID-19 pandemic
Yeon Gyoung Kim, South Korea, 2024, 2min35sec, 16mm
A man washes a large window, but something is not satisfactory.
Siyoung Song, South Korea, 2024, 3min 10sec, 16mm
A believer in something, a passenger, a step in and out, an express train constantly arriving and departing. The rules break like a prayer. Derived realities that one believes in, bodies passing each other, the place, the sound, the time it creates.
Jinyoung Lee, South Korea, 2024, 1min 50sec, 16mm
Travel is a process in which numerous substances are recorded to me. In the process, receipts, tickets, and plastic packaging are easily thrown away. However, those materials contain all the time, language, and air of the city. This work is a travel record that goes beyond the visually stimulating images of tourist.
Hyerin Lee, South Korea, 2024, 1min 51sec, 16mm
I almost drowned when I was five years old during the family trip, but I don’t remember anything. I just knew, because everytime my family got together they talked about it.Few year ago, I interviewed my family and asked about the incident and found out that my mom has a whole different memory from other family members.
Jonathan Seungjoon Lee, South Korea, 2024, 2min 30sec, 16mm
Entering from the intimate and often complicated relationships between fathers and sons, Dreams of My Father explores memories and visions from God, gods, and ghosts through a quilt work experimentation of 3D animation, family archive, and 16mm.
Boyoon Choi, South Korea, 2024, 2min 30sec, 16mm
A result of an experiment and an exploration on the 16mm film camera shooting, developing, and hand printing of her father.
HwiHwi, South Korea, 2024, 2min 40sec, 16mm
Fotofiction is a film that adds time to the photos by printing them on 16mm using photos taken on 35mm black and white film, around my hometown since 2011. It is about novel-like stories that occurred on this island, listing scenes left behind by people and nature as time passes.
Kyujae Park, South Korea, 2024, 5min, 16mm
Study for Three Streams was filmed at Hongjecheon in Seoul, Mokgamcheon in Gwangmyeong, and Gulpocheon in Incheon. It captures the impressions of three streams in three different cities. Each of the three streams intersects and overlaps with images of the filmmaker’s own body.
rua dos mercadores, 136 — porto
entrada livre // free entrance
sopa com contribuição // contribution for soup
O laboratório Space Cell convidou artistas Richard Touhy e Diana Barrie para o workshop Kineko, dedicado à produção de uma cópia final para a exibição, após filmagem, edição e desenho de som, de forma mais económica. Entre as muitas pessoas que participaram, esta exibição reúne 13 filmes de artista, acabados ou em processo.
Todos os filmes são exibidos em 16mm.
Space Cell lab invited artists Richard Touhy and Diana Barrie to open the Kineko workshop, dedicated to the making of a master print for the final screening after filming, editing and sound processing in a cheaper way. Out of the many people who participated, this screening brings together 13 artists’ finished or in process short films.
All films in 16mm.
Richard Touhy and Diana Barrie, South Korea, 2024, 2min 30sec, 16mm
Richard and Diana’s new film, produced while traveling from their accommodation in Seoul to Space Cell lab, for the workshop.
(Part of Sensus Communis)
Hye Jeong Cho, South Korea, 2024, 5min, 16mm
Sensus Communis : The circumstances of artists associated with their studios are very diverse. In an era where it is difficult to occupy even one square foot of residential space due to economic and social conditions, artists who own or rent studios to produce art have continued to walk a tightrope between thinking and reality.
ZEN FOR 100ft
Jung Jun, South Korea, 2024, 2min 28sec, 16mm
To prevent meaninglessness from becoming imageless, the image obtained from the retina after passing through the pupil and lens must pass through the blind spot before going to the optic nerve. A dark room is a blind spot in an image.
Sujin Lee, South Korea, 2024, 1min 34sec, 16mm
A draft, an exercise, or the first segment of a long-term project, tracing my nephew’s evolving voice as he grows older. He talks about the time he built a snowman named Snow Ice Monster, which was later broken down and rebuilt by other children. He listens to a recording of his voice and remarks that he sounds like someone named Minjung, who does not exist in real life.
Suhyun Jeon, South Korea, 2024, 2min 04sec, 16mm
This film captures the experiences of my grandfather during COVID-19 pandemic
Yeon Gyoung Kim, South Korea, 2024, 2min35sec, 16mm
A man washes a large window, but something is not satisfactory.
Siyoung Song, South Korea, 2024, 3min 10sec, 16mm
A believer in something, a passenger, a step in and out, an express train constantly arriving and departing. The rules break like a prayer. Derived realities that one believes in, bodies passing each other, the place, the sound, the time it creates.
Jinyoung Lee, South Korea, 2024, 1min 50sec, 16mm
Travel is a process in which numerous substances are recorded to me. In the process, receipts, tickets, and plastic packaging are easily thrown away. However, those materials contain all the time, language, and air of the city. This work is a travel record that goes beyond the visually stimulating images of tourist.
Hyerin Lee, South Korea, 2024, 1min 51sec, 16mm
I almost drowned when I was five years old during the family trip, but I don’t remember anything. I just knew, because everytime my family got together they talked about it.Few year ago, I interviewed my family and asked about the incident and found out that my mom has a whole different memory from other family members.
Jonathan Seungjoon Lee, South Korea, 2024, 2min 30sec, 16mm
Entering from the intimate and often complicated relationships between fathers and sons, Dreams of My Father explores memories and visions from God, gods, and ghosts through a quilt work experimentation of 3D animation, family archive, and 16mm.
Boyoon Choi, South Korea, 2024, 2min 30sec, 16mm
A result of an experiment and an exploration on the 16mm film camera shooting, developing, and hand printing of her father.
HwiHwi, South Korea, 2024, 2min 40sec, 16mm
Fotofiction is a film that adds time to the photos by printing them on 16mm using photos taken on 35mm black and white film, around my hometown since 2011. It is about novel-like stories that occurred on this island, listing scenes left behind by people and nature as time passes.
Kyujae Park, South Korea, 2024, 5min, 16mm
Study for Three Streams was filmed at Hongjecheon in Seoul, Mokgamcheon in Gwangmyeong, and Gulpocheon in Incheon. It captures the impressions of three streams in three different cities. Each of the three streams intersects and overlaps with images of the filmmaker’s own body.
O laboratório Space Cell, fundado por JangwookLee, abriu em Seul em Julho de 2004. O SpaceCell começoucomo um espaço cultural complexopara exposições, exibições, educação eworkshops, tendo-se convertidonum laboratóriode artistas em 2006. Space Cell funciona comouma sala de projecção para oFestivalInternacional de Cinema Experimental de Seul. Actualmente, as principais actividades da SpaceCellestão a expandir-se para a educação atravésde workshops de cinema experimental, exibiçãode filmesexperimentais, cinema experimentalbaseado em laboratório, projectos de colaboraçãoe distribuição.
Space Cell lab, founded by Jangwook Lee, opened in Seoul in July 2004. Space Cell began as a complex cultural space for exhibitions, screenings, education and workshops, having converted to an artists-run lab in 2006. Space Cell functions as a screening hall for the Seoul International Experimental Film Festival. Currently, Space Cell main activities are expanding to education through experimental film workshops, experimental film screening, lab-based experimental filmwork, collaboration projects, and distribution.