Plant Processing é um workshop desenvolvido por Katherine Bauer e Loïc Verdillon onde se poderá aprender a revelar película de 16mm apenas com plantas, água e cinzas, sem recurso a produtos industriais ou materiais tóxicos. O fixador faz-se com sal. O objetivo é não comprar nada e usar apenas o que se pode obter no próprio quintal. Nesta oficina de revelação com plantas, aprenderemos a fazer um revelador com plantas (e fixador) que permitirá revelar filme de 16 mm a preto e branco (ou qualquer filme preto e branco ou emulsão de papel fotográfico). Aprenderemos sobre como escolher as plantas, quando e como colher, e sobre a preparação do chá/extração para alcançar os resultados desejados, bem como sobre como abraçar a natureza do acaso e a despadronização da revelação.
Plant Processing is a workshop developed by Katherine Bauer and Loïc Verdillon where one can lear how to process 16mm film with just plants, water and ashes, with no industrial products nor toxic materials. Fixer is made with salt. The purpose is to buy nothing and to only use what can besourced in one’s backyard. In this plant processing workshop people will learn how to make a plant developer (and fixature) that will develop black and white 16mm film (or any black and white film or photo paper emulsion). We will learn about how to choose plants, when and how to harvest, and the preparation of the tea/extraction in order to achieve the desired results, as well as how to embrace the nature of chance and the destandardization of development.
Oficina Criativa: Revelação com plantas
Datas: 22 a 24 de maio
22.05.2024 — 14h às 18h
23.05.2024 + 24.05.2024 — 10h30 - 12h30 + 14h - 18h
Nível de conhecimento: não é necessário conhecimento prévio
Modo de inscrição: Esgotado
Workshop: Plant Processing
Dates: 22 — 24 may
22.05.2024 — 14h to 18h
23.05.2024 + 24.05.2024 — 10h30 - 12h30 + 14h - 18h
Level: no need of previous knowledge on analogue film practice
Registration: Sold out
Plant Processing is a workshop developed by Katherine Bauer and Loïc Verdillon where one can lear how to process 16mm film with just plants, water and ashes, with no industrial products nor toxic materials. Fixer is made with salt. The purpose is to buy nothing and to only use what can besourced in one’s backyard. In this plant processing workshop people will learn how to make a plant developer (and fixature) that will develop black and white 16mm film (or any black and white film or photo paper emulsion). We will learn about how to choose plants, when and how to harvest, and the preparation of the tea/extraction in order to achieve the desired results, as well as how to embrace the nature of chance and the destandardization of development.
Oficina Criativa: Revelação com plantas
Datas: 22 a 24 de maio
22.05.2024 — 14h às 18h
23.05.2024 + 24.05.2024 — 10h30 - 12h30 + 14h - 18h
Nível de conhecimento: não é necessário conhecimento prévio
Modo de inscrição: Esgotado
Workshop: Plant Processing
Dates: 22 — 24 may
22.05.2024 — 14h to 18h
23.05.2024 + 24.05.2024 — 10h30 - 12h30 + 14h - 18h
Level: no need of previous knowledge on analogue film practice
Registration: Sold out
Katherine Bauer trabalha principalmente com película e com o aparelho cinematográfico, produzindo obras que abrangem as práticas de escultura, fotografia, instalação e performance. Grande parte do trabalho de Bauer envolve mitologias, folclores e narrativas contadas através de tecnologias obsoletas. Além da Microscope Gallery, o seu trabalho foi exposto na Participant Inc. , NY; Shoot the Lobster, Dusseldorf, Alemanha; Immanence Gallery, Paris, França, entre outros. As suas obras, incluindo performances, foram exibidas no The Pompidou Center (França), Le 102 (França), Lausanne Underground Film Festival (Suíça), Estudio Teorema (México), Anthology Film Archives, Millennium Film Workshop, The Knockdown Center, Museum of the MovingImage (Nova Iorque), entre outros. Bauer recebeu uma residência ESP TV Unit11 (2017), uma residência Cité Internationale des Arts Paris (2012-13) e uma bolsa de estudos da Fundação Carla Bruni-Sarkozy (2012-13). Tem uma licenciatura em Cinema e Artes Electrónicas pela BardCollege e um MFA pela NYU Steinhardt em Studio Art.
Loïc Verdillon é músico, performer e tipógrafo. Entre 2019 e 2012 compôs música para peças teatrais da companhia “mais ou l’as-tu”. Desde 2010, participa ativamente no programa musical e cinematográfico da 102. Atualmente, a sua investigação centra-se no som, na sua materialidade e nas suas formas. Construiu “yotta-phone”, uma performance para vários megafones, tocada em diferentes festivais. Os seus trabalhos gráficos centram-se nas formas sonoras de Ernest Chladni na gravura experimental. Em 2015, combinou arte plástica e áudio para a instalação de um“parque de diversões” constituído por altifalantes dissecados, trabalhando com os elementos primitivos do cobre, papel e ímanes. Desde 2016, dirige e trabalha no Atelier MTK Independent Film Laboratory em Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux. Apresentou espectáculos de Cinema Expandido e organizou workshops de 16 mm em todo o mundo, em locais como a Noruega, Itália, Suíça, Alemanha, França, República Checa, Bélgica e Indonésia.
Katherine Bauer works primarily with celluloid film and the cinematic apparatus in works encompassing the practices of sculpture, photography, installation and live performance. Much of Bauer’s work involves mythologies, folklores, and narratives as told through the means of obsolete technologies. In addition to Microscope Gallery, her work has exhibited at Participant Inc., NY; Shoot the Lobster, Dusseldorf, Germany; Immanence Gallery, Paris, France, and others. Her works, including performances, have recently appeared at The Pompidou Center (France), Le 102 (France), Lausanne Underground Film Festival (Switzerland), Estudio Teorema (Mexico), Anthology Film Archives, Millennium Film Workshop, The Knockdown Center, and the Museum of the Moving Image (New York) among others. Bauer received a ESP TV Unit 11 residency (2017), a Cité Internationale des Arts Paris Residency (2012-13), and a Carla Bruni-Sarkozy Foundation Fellowship (2012-13). She holds a BA in Film and Electronic Arts from Bard College and a MFA from NYU Steinhardt in Studio Art.
Loïc Verdillon is a musician, performer, and printmaker. Between 2019 and 2012 he composed music for theater pieces by the company “mais ou l’as-tu.” Since 2010, he’s been an active participant of the musical and cinematographic programme at the 102. Currently, his research is focused on sound, its materiality and forms. He built “yotta-phone,” a performance for multiple megaphones, played at different festivals in the summer of 2015. His graphic works focus on the sound shapes of Ernest Chladni in experimental engraving. In 2015, he combined plastic and audio art for the installation of an “attraction park” made up of dissected loudspeakers, working with the primitive elements of copper, paper, and magnets. Since 2016, he has run and worked at Atelier MTK Independent Cinema Laboratory in Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux. He has presented Expanded Cinema performances and organized 16mm workshops around the world, in such places as Norway, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Belgium, and Indonesia.
*IMG. Dark&Mush for Room&Room, Katherine Bauer + Loïc Verdillon
Loïc Verdillon é músico, performer e tipógrafo. Entre 2019 e 2012 compôs música para peças teatrais da companhia “mais ou l’as-tu”. Desde 2010, participa ativamente no programa musical e cinematográfico da 102. Atualmente, a sua investigação centra-se no som, na sua materialidade e nas suas formas. Construiu “yotta-phone”, uma performance para vários megafones, tocada em diferentes festivais. Os seus trabalhos gráficos centram-se nas formas sonoras de Ernest Chladni na gravura experimental. Em 2015, combinou arte plástica e áudio para a instalação de um“parque de diversões” constituído por altifalantes dissecados, trabalhando com os elementos primitivos do cobre, papel e ímanes. Desde 2016, dirige e trabalha no Atelier MTK Independent Film Laboratory em Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux. Apresentou espectáculos de Cinema Expandido e organizou workshops de 16 mm em todo o mundo, em locais como a Noruega, Itália, Suíça, Alemanha, França, República Checa, Bélgica e Indonésia.
Katherine Bauer works primarily with celluloid film and the cinematic apparatus in works encompassing the practices of sculpture, photography, installation and live performance. Much of Bauer’s work involves mythologies, folklores, and narratives as told through the means of obsolete technologies. In addition to Microscope Gallery, her work has exhibited at Participant Inc., NY; Shoot the Lobster, Dusseldorf, Germany; Immanence Gallery, Paris, France, and others. Her works, including performances, have recently appeared at The Pompidou Center (France), Le 102 (France), Lausanne Underground Film Festival (Switzerland), Estudio Teorema (Mexico), Anthology Film Archives, Millennium Film Workshop, The Knockdown Center, and the Museum of the Moving Image (New York) among others. Bauer received a ESP TV Unit 11 residency (2017), a Cité Internationale des Arts Paris Residency (2012-13), and a Carla Bruni-Sarkozy Foundation Fellowship (2012-13). She holds a BA in Film and Electronic Arts from Bard College and a MFA from NYU Steinhardt in Studio Art.
Loïc Verdillon is a musician, performer, and printmaker. Between 2019 and 2012 he composed music for theater pieces by the company “mais ou l’as-tu.” Since 2010, he’s been an active participant of the musical and cinematographic programme at the 102. Currently, his research is focused on sound, its materiality and forms. He built “yotta-phone,” a performance for multiple megaphones, played at different festivals in the summer of 2015. His graphic works focus on the sound shapes of Ernest Chladni in experimental engraving. In 2015, he combined plastic and audio art for the installation of an “attraction park” made up of dissected loudspeakers, working with the primitive elements of copper, paper, and magnets. Since 2016, he has run and worked at Atelier MTK Independent Cinema Laboratory in Saint-Martin-le-Vinoux. He has presented Expanded Cinema performances and organized 16mm workshops around the world, in such places as Norway, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Belgium, and Indonesia.
*IMG. Dark&Mush for Room&Room, Katherine Bauer + Loïc Verdillon