The Kindergarten of Cinema é uma oficina criativa na qual se experimenta e explora o filme analógico de 16 mm e 35mm. Propõe um entendimento das várias partes da película em si (imagem composta de emulsão, enquadramento, som óptico, perfurações) e das peças e funções da mesa de edição steenbeck. Trabalharemos em excertos já filmados e revelados, comprados num mercado de rua na Cidade do México, nas quais os participantes poderão riscar, colorir, perfurar, etc. Usaremos a steenbeck para ver os resultados. Iremos ainda ver obras e fragmentos de obras feitos através deste tipo de processos, criados frame a frame. O objectivo desta oficina é o de dar a conhecer uma variedade de técnicas de intervenção directa, bem como o de vincular os participantes a uma relação manual e de à vontade com o material da película.
The Kindergarten of Cinema is a creative workshop in which 16 mm and 35 mm analog film is experimented and explored. It offers an understanding of the various parts of the film itself (emulsion composite image, framing, optical sound, perforations) and the parts and functions of the steenbeck editing table. We will work on excerpts already filmed and developed, purchased at a street market in Mexico City, where participants will be able to scratch, color, punch, etc. We will use the Steenbeck to see the results. We will also see films and fragments of films made through this type of process, created frame by frame. The aim of this workshop is to introduce a variety of direct intervention techniques and to link participants to a manual and comfortable relationship with the film material.
Oficina Criativa: intervenção directa em película
Datas: 21 a 23 de fevereiro
21.02.2024 — 14h às 17h
22.02.2024 + 23.02.2024 — 10h30 - 12h30 + 14h - 17h
Nível de conhecimento: não é necessário conhecimento prévio
Modo de inscrição: Esgotado
Workshop: manual intervention on film
Dates: 21 — 23 february
21.02.2024 — 14h to 17h
22.02.2024 + 23.02.2024 — 10h30 - 12h30 + 14h - 17h
Level: no need of previous knowledge on analogue film practice
Registration: Sold out
The Kindergarten of Cinema is a creative workshop in which 16 mm and 35 mm analog film is experimented and explored. It offers an understanding of the various parts of the film itself (emulsion composite image, framing, optical sound, perforations) and the parts and functions of the steenbeck editing table. We will work on excerpts already filmed and developed, purchased at a street market in Mexico City, where participants will be able to scratch, color, punch, etc. We will use the Steenbeck to see the results. We will also see films and fragments of films made through this type of process, created frame by frame. The aim of this workshop is to introduce a variety of direct intervention techniques and to link participants to a manual and comfortable relationship with the film material.
Oficina Criativa: intervenção directa em película
Datas: 21 a 23 de fevereiro
21.02.2024 — 14h às 17h
22.02.2024 + 23.02.2024 — 10h30 - 12h30 + 14h - 17h
Nível de conhecimento: não é necessário conhecimento prévio
Modo de inscrição: Esgotado
Workshop: manual intervention on film
Dates: 21 — 23 february
21.02.2024 — 14h to 17h
22.02.2024 + 23.02.2024 — 10h30 - 12h30 + 14h - 17h
Level: no need of previous knowledge on analogue film practice
Registration: Sold out
Naomi Uman é uma cineasta e artista visual norte-americana, actualmente a viver na Cidade do México, licenciada pela CalArts em 1998. Tendo trabalhado em cozinhas durante muitos anos, decidiu dedicar-se a fazer coisas bonitas que durassem mais tempo do que uma refeição. Utiliza a película como se fosse tecido, lã ou pintura, combinada com uma exploração cinematográfica e temporal dos pequenos acontecimentos que moldam o nosso mundo. Os seus documentários experimentais são retratos íntimos e centram-se habitualmente no papel das mulheres e do trabalho manual, assim como tendem a reconhecer a presença deformadora da câmara na sua relação com o sujeito. Os seus filmes são, por norma, revelados manualmente ou trabalhados directamente na película, frame a frame. Uman leccionou no Museu de Belas Artes da Cidade do México, liderando oficinas de cinema artesanal.
Naomi Uman is an American filmmaker and visual artist, currently living in Mexico City, graduated from CalArts in 1998. Having worked in kitchens for many years, she decided to devote herself to making beautiful things that would last longer than a meal. Uman uses film as if it were fabric, wool or painting, combined with a kinematic and temporal exploration of the small events that shape our world. Her experimental documentaries are intimate portraits and usually focus on the role of women and manual labor, as well as tend to recognize the deforming presence of the camera in its relationship with the subject. Uman’s films are usually developed manually or worked directly on film, frame by frame. Uman taught at the Museum of Fine Arts in Mexico City, leading artisan film workshops.
*IMG. Hand Eye Coordination (Naomi Uman, 2002)
Naomi Uman is an American filmmaker and visual artist, currently living in Mexico City, graduated from CalArts in 1998. Having worked in kitchens for many years, she decided to devote herself to making beautiful things that would last longer than a meal. Uman uses film as if it were fabric, wool or painting, combined with a kinematic and temporal exploration of the small events that shape our world. Her experimental documentaries are intimate portraits and usually focus on the role of women and manual labor, as well as tend to recognize the deforming presence of the camera in its relationship with the subject. Uman’s films are usually developed manually or worked directly on film, frame by frame. Uman taught at the Museum of Fine Arts in Mexico City, leading artisan film workshops.
*IMG. Hand Eye Coordination (Naomi Uman, 2002)